Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Adolescent health, or youth health, is the range of approaches to preventing, detecting or treating young people's health and well-being. transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood.  World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19. Young people's health is often complex and requires a comprehensive, biopsychosocial approach

  • Track 1-1Tooth Decay
  • Track 1-2Neurodermitis
  • Track 1-3Contact Dermatitis
  • Track 1-4Warts
  • Track 1-5Fungal Infections
  • Track 1-6Puberty
  • Track 1-7Behavioral changes
  • Track 1-8Neurodevelopmental changes
  • Track 1-9Physical changes
  • Track 1-10Psychological changes
  • Track 1-11Social changes
  • Track 1-12Environmental factors
  • Track 1-13Youth in Action
  • Track 1-14Adolescent diabetes
  • Track 1-15Sexual behaviour

Adolescence is the gentlest period for a child, as all the psychological and physical changes occur during this age. It is referred to as transitional period in an individual's life. In this session, we will have a talk on physical and hormonal changes like negative attitudes, pressures from peers, drug and alcohol abuse, depression in adolescence, puberty changes, issues of sexuality, impact of substance abuse on child, bullying and aggression, impact of culture on adolescent learning, self-harm and suicidal behaviour, social life of adolescent, adolescent psychosis, adolescent parental relationship.

  • Track 2-1Adolescent mental health issues
  • Track 2-2Adolescent depression
  • Track 2-3Assessment/appraisal
  • Track 2-4Anger management
  • Track 2-5Psychiatric evaluation
  • Track 2-6Child development fundamentals   
  • Track 2-7Enhanced mental health services
  • Track 2-8Bullying
  • Track 2-9Therapy/remedy

Adolescent Cardiology bargains with those analysis about intrinsic heart defects, abnormalities in the heart Furthermore performing symptomatic methods for example, such that echocardiogram What's more electrophysiology investigations. Significant maladies happen in the structure about heart Throughout the chance for conception. Those defects might a chance to be in the dividers about heart, the valves from claiming heart, and the courses Also veins close the heart. The manifestations camwood contrast from none on life-undermining. It could be created because of hereditary conditions, taking medications, viral infections in Rubella, poor dietary status or overweight tyke. A few medicines could a chance to be completed by catheter based methods What's more heart surgeries. Each year, more than 35,000 babies in the united states are destined for intrinsic heart defects. 

  • Track 3-1Tricuspid Atresia
  • Track 3-2Truncus Arteriosus
  • Track 3-3Pulmonic Stenosis
  • Track 3-4Patent Ductus Arteriosus
  • Track 3-5Atrial Septal Defect
  • Track 3-6Atrial Septal Defect
  • Track 3-7Aortic Stenosis

Transgender youth are adolescents who are transgender and/or transsexual. Because transgender youth are typically reliant on on their parents for care, shelter, economic support, and other needs, and because most doctors are unwilling to provide medical treatments to them, transgender youth face different challenges compared to adults. Transgender issues manifest at different times in life in different individuals. In most cases of gender dysphoria, the condition is often superficial in early childhood, when such a child may express Behavior dissimilar and dissatisfaction related to their assigned gender. However, many of these children experiences rejection as a result of their differences and quickly attempt to repress them. Therefore, people who see these children regularly may be unconscious that they are unhappy as members of their assigned gender.

Adolescent Neurology: Adolescent patients pose a unique challenge to child neurologists. Although there are several neurological disorders that present in childhood and persist through adolescence, there are some disorders like juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) that occur more commonly in this age group. We discuss common neurological disorders encountered by adolescent medicine physicians that have been affected by recent advances in the field of adolescent neurology. We also address the challenges of transitioning care to an adult neurologist.


  • Track 6-1Brain Tumours
  • Track 6-2Developmental Delay
  • Track 6-3Neurometabolic Disorders
  • Track 6-4Neuromuscular Diseases
  • Track 6-5Genetic Metabolic Diseases
  • Track 6-6Movement Disorders
  • Track 6-7Traumatic and Environmental Brain Disorders
  • Track 6-8Epilepsy (Seizures)
  • Track 6-9Multiple Sclerosis
  • Track 6-10Intellectual Disabilities / Developmental Delay

Juvenile endocrinology means those forte that arrangements with issue for physical development What's more sexual improvement. The basic sort from claiming sicknesses will be diabetes (Type 1 and kind 2), sexual irresistible diseases, hormonal issue and the organs that handle them. Endocrinology  look for organs Furthermore their hormonal impacts. The medication to issue to grown-up might differ from adolescence. Doctors clinched along physical Growth and improvement of high schoolers will survey those hormonal issue also provide for legitimate medicine.  

  • Track 7-1Early or Delayed Puberty
  • Track 7-2Pituitary Gland Disorders
  • Track 7-3 Thyroid Gland Disorders
  • Track 7-4Adrenal Gland Disorders
  • Track 7-5Ovarian and Testicular Dysfunction
  • Track 7-6Diabetes
  • Track 7-7Hepatitis
  • Track 7-8Problems of puberty
  • Track 7-9Genetial and public devolopment

Gastroenterology expects for the contemplate from claiming gastrointestinal tract more tentative waterway. Doctors Furthermore nurture manage the health awareness necessities about gastrointestinal irresistible ailments. The ailments could range starting with transient with in length haul or from intense with incessant states. A standout among The majority basic states in new conceived babies may be neonatal jaundice. Nourishment allergies would likewise exactly basic clinched alongside youth. Pediatric endoscopic methods would the root techniques to discount the issues about gastrointestinal sicknesses. To amazing cases, gastrointestinal surgeries are performed on treat Ceaseless issue. Those normal ailments connected with pediatric gastroenterology are intense diarrhea, gastritis, persistency spewing Also issues for the improvement of the gastric tract.  

  • Track 8-1Abdominal Pain
  • Track 8-2Constipation
  • Track 8-3Diarrhea
  • Track 8-4Cystic Fibrosis

The kidneys maintain the delicate balance of chemicals and water that your body needs. When working well, they hold on to what your body needs, and they get rid of what it doesn't need. They send the extra water and other waste as urine (pee) through pencil-sized tubes called ureters. The kidneys also help to regulate your blood pressure, red blood cell production, and your body's calcium and other mineral levels.When a person's kidneys stop working altogether, it's called kidney failure. Someone who has kidney failure can develop several health problems because the body is unable to get rid of excess water and waste products.

  • Track 9-1Glomerulonephritis
  • Track 9-2Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Track 9-3Acute Kidney Disease
  • Track 9-4Chronic Kidney Disease

Dermatology is those contemplate from claiming skin related issue. A dermatology doctor assumes real part to treating extensive variety of infections What's more therapeutic issues that hint at on the surface of the skin. These states might shift starting with skin aggravation will skin growth and All that amidst. Many Doctors Figure this specialization fulfilling, both professionally and monetarily. Some unimportant systems such as mole removals, skin peels, or skin break out medications are finished Eventually Tom's perusing dermatology experts. They might additionally weigh symptomatic tests and record restorative histories. As of late this field need turned into unmistakable Previously, social insurance on keeping those illnesses

  • Track 10-1Adolescent-Acne
  • Track 10-2Seborrhea
  • Track 10-3Acrodermatitis Enteropathica in Adolescent
  • Track 10-4Acropustulosis
  • Track 10-5Atopic Dermatitis
  • Track 10-6Cafe Au Lait Spots
  • Track 10-7Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Adolescent Pathology : Adolescent Pathology is the sub-specialty of surgical pathology which deals with the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of children. Adolescent  pathologists generally work closely with paediatricians and Adolescent physicians . Being Adolescent pathologists, the doctors work closely with children, diagnosing their problems. Adolescent pathology is generally based in specialist children’s, so the scope of disease is high, and cases can be quite challenging. Techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) is used paediatric surgical laboratories which deals with childhood cancer. 


  • Track 11-1Surgical pathology specimens
  • Track 11-2Surgical Pathology and Advanced Cardiac Imaging
  • Track 11-3Advances in Surgical Pathology: Different Cancers
  • Track 11-4Biopsy and Transplantation Pathology
  • Track 11-5Immunohistochemistry
  • Track 11-6Surgical and Autopsy Pathology

Juvenile dental forethought may be a standout amongst those the greater part noticeable fields done treating dental issues of know youngsters. Those practically regular sickness may be tooth specialist which begins punctual Throughout 8 quite some time of age. Microorganisms introduce in the mouth type a plague also discharge acids toward dietary carbohydrates which decalcify the tooth pixie What's more reasons rot about tooth rot. Kids must visit human services to each 6 month from claiming their age, proposed Toward American academy of pediatrics. Concerning illustration for those national wellbeing survey, 42% about us Youngsters starting with 2 should 11 quite some time of age have the rot for tooth rot for their elementary teethe. Dental medication starting with mature people will be diverse should youth the place we require with identify those brain research from claiming kids Previously, delivering correct consideration and prosperity of the youngster. 


  • Track 12-1Dental Caries
  • Track 12-2Cavities
  • Track 12-3Mouth Pain
  • Track 12-4Teeth Surgeries
  • Track 12-5Implantation of Teeth

Anaesthesiologist will be a doctor who controls general, territorial alternately nearby sedative throughout different preoperative methods. Organization to grown-up may be unique in relation to adolescence. Those doctors likewise screens patient's blood pressure, heart, temperature, cognizance level, and amount from claiming oxygen in the blood Throughout those surgery. Tolerant educated must make taken in the recent past administering the aesthesia. Previous history of child, drugs utilized previously, then sustenance taken preceding surgery must Additionally make nearly monitored to evade those difficulties for giving anesthesia


  • Track 13-1Intrinsic Coronary Illness
  • Track 13-2Provocative Gut Ailment
  • Track 13-3 Bariatric Surgery
  • Track 13-4Cystic Fibrosis

Adolescent Infectious Disease: Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment. Many infectious diseases, such as measles and chickenpox, can be prevented by vaccines. Following are the few other infectious diseases that can commonly seen in adolescents:


  • Track 14-1Ear Infection
  • Track 14-2H1n1 (Swine Flu)
  • Track 14-3Seasonal Flu
  • Track 14-4Recreational Water Illness (RWI)
  • Track 14-5Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  • Track 14-6Meningitis
  • Track 14-7Sinus Infection
  • Track 14-8STDs
  • Track 14-9Tetanus
  • Track 14-10Common Cold
  • Track 14-11Asthma

Adolescent Nutrition: Nutritional health during adolescence is important for supporting the growing body and for preventing future health problems Total nutrient needs are higher during adolescence than any other time in the lifecycle. Nutrition and physical growth are integrally related. Failure to consume an adequate diet at this time can result in delayed sexual maturation and can arrest or slow linear growth. Nutrition is also important during this time to help prevent adult diet-related chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Following are the nutritional needs for the adolescents:


  • Track 15-1Nutrients
  • Track 15-2Protein
  • Track 15-3Dietary Fat
  • Track 15-4Vitamins and Minerals

Girls are far more likely to have eating sicknesses. However, boys are also vulnerable. eating in secret, obsession with food, calorie counting, fear of becoming fat, binge eating, abolition, food phobias or avoidance.  The most common eating disorders among adolescents are anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder. Teenagers with anorexia may take risky procedures to avoid eating and control the amount and eminence of the nutrients they do eat. Teenagers with bulimia nervosa typically ‘binge and purge’ by appealing in uncontrollable episodes of overindulging usually followed by compensatory behaviour such as: purging through vomiting, use of laxatives, enemas, fasting, or excessive workout


  • Track 16-1Obesity
  • Track 16-2Anorexia nervosa
  • Track 16-3Thyroid problems 
  • Track 16-4Binge eating disorder
  • Track 16-5Bulimia nervosa
  • Track 16-6Self-induced vomiting
  • Track 16-7Misusing laxatives or diurectics
  • Track 16-8Fasting or chronic restrained eating

Adolescent Problems: One-third of adolescent deaths are suicides triggered by depression. Teenagers may have self-esteem or confidence issues. The feelings of inferiority or superiority often arise from their appearance, and acceptance of their body – skin colour, beauty, and figure. Poor performance in academics and low IQ can also demotivate them. They develop the ‘I’m not good enough’ attitude towards life. Depression is one of the common psychological problems associated with adolescence. The stress and pressure of adolescence can create anxiety related issues, while mood swings can lead to conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder. Eating disorders are also psychosomatic as they start with the adolescent having a poor self-image and the need to change the way they look by any means.


  • Track 17-1Chronic illness resources for teens
  • Track 17-2Accident and injuries
  • Track 17-3Behavioural problems
  • Track 17-4Sexual health
  • Track 17-5Infectious disease
  • Track 17-6Nutrition and physical activity
  • Track 17-7Chronic and physical activity
  • Track 17-8Youth homelessness
  • Track 17-9Middle school malaise
  • Track 17-10 Behavioural Changes
  • Track 17-11Substance Use and Abuse
  • Track 17-12Educational Challenges
  • Track 17-13Psychological Problems
  • Track 17-14Social Problems – Dating and Relationships
  • Track 17-15Sexual Health – Unplanned Pregnancy and Stis
  • Track 17-16Addiction to Cyberspace
  • Track 17-17Aggression and Violence

It is a service for children, generally until school-leaving age, who are having difficulties with their emotional or behavioural well-being. Five essential components of adolescent health are mandatory.

·         Positive connections with supportive people

·         Safe and secure places to live, to learn, and to play

·         Access to high-quality, teen-friendly health care

·         Opportunities for teens to engage as learners, leaders, team members, and workers


  • Track 18-1Child protection
  • Track 18-2General practitioners
  • Track 18-3Youth drug courts
  • Track 18-4Justice health
  • Track 18-5Transition care
  • Track 18-6Implications for policies and programmes
  • Track 18-7Medication monitoring
  • Track 18-8Teen pregnancy prevention
  • Track 18-9Parenting resources

Adolescent Drug Addiction:  Drug addiction indicates a psychological or physical dependence on the drug to function. Drug Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behaviour. When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 23 million individuals over the age of 12 suffer from some type of drug addiction each year. Drug addiction is not always recognized. There are many different types of drug addicts.


  • Track 19-1Alcohol Addicts
  • Track 19-2Amphetamine Addicts
  • Track 19-3Addiction to Nicotine
  • Track 19-4Steroids
  • Track 19-5Cocaine Addicts
  • Track 19-6Hallucinogens
  • Track 19-7Narcotics Addicts
  • Track 19-8Over-The-Counter Medications

Numerous risk behaviours, such as smoking, anti-social behaviour, hazardous alcohol consumption and insecure sexual intercourse, cluster in adolescence and are associated with increased risk of poor educational attainment, upcoming injury and untimely mortality. These behaviours go beyond pure ‘risk-taking’ behaviours and encirclement behaviours which are omnipresent in society, such as low levels of physical activity. These behaviours shape adult behaviour and the significances are costly to society and young people.


  • Track 20-1Previous delinquency
  • Track 20-2Substance abuse
  • Track 20-3Teen pregnancy/Unintended pregnancy
  • Track 20-4Different developmental trajectory
  • Track 20-5Study reflected contextual 
  • Track 20-6premature mortality
  • Track 20-7Short-term health effects of physical activity
  • Track 20-8Alcohol use

Adolescent basic consideration will be the study that bargains with those aversion Also administration for existence debilitating condition for example, organ backing Furthermore obtrusive following. Organ help may be the Different systems performed Throughout substitution cost for organ in the event from claiming organ working disappointment. Obtrusive following may be the steady estimation of specific parameters like blood glucose tests Also Electrocardiography Throughout those generally medicine. Discriminating consideration may be those condition the place Youngsters need aid torment starting with unending ailment or crisis disease What's more quick medicine ought to make done. Seriousness is the particular unit the place where medication will be provided for under specific states to wrist bindings basic ailments. 

  • Track 21-1Severe Sepsis and Shock
  • Track 21-2Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Track 21-3Status Asthmaticus
  • Track 22-1Adolescent psychiatry
  • Track 22-2Adolescent gynocology
  • Track 22-3Pediatric psychiatry
  • Track 22-4Dermatologist
  • Track 22-5Adolescent medicine specialist
  • Track 22-6Gynecologist
  • Track 22-7Gastroenterologist
  • Track 22-8Sleep disorders specialist
  • Track 22-9Pediatricians
  • Track 22-10Developmental behavioral pediatricians
  • Track 22-11Child psychiatrists
  • Track 22-12Pediatric psychopharmacologists
  • Track 22-13Pediatric neurologists
  • Track 22-14Pediatric psychiatric nurse practitioners

Adolescent sexuality is a stage of human development in which teenagers’ involvement and discover sexual feelings. Interest in sexuality strengthens during the onset of puberty, and sexuality is often a vital aspect of teenagers' lives. n humans, sexual interest may be expressed in a number of ways, such as flirting, kissing, masturbation, or having sex with a partner. Sexual interest among adolescents, as among adults, can vary greatly, and is influenced by cultural norms and mores, sex education provided, sexual orientation, and social controls such as age of consent laws.


A near replication in the extent of the testicles and the scrotal sac proclaims the advent of puberty. Fuelled by testosterone, the next changes of puberty come in quick succession. A few light-coloured downy hairs emerge at the base of the penis. A boy may have adult-size genitals as early as age thirteen or as late as eighteen. A child may deliberately masturbate himself to his first ejaculation.


  • Track 24-1Enlargement of the testicles
  • Track 24-2Penis enlargement
  • Track 24-3Appearance of pubic hair
  • Track 24-4Nocturnal emissions
  • Track 24-5Hair under the arms and on the face
  • Track 24-6Voice change
  • Track 24-7Acne



The initial noticeable sign of puberty in girls is a nickel-sized swelling under one or both nipples. the subsequent sign of puberty is the presence of pubic hair in the pubic area. Preteenager females attain what, in mutual language, is often called “baby fat,” which may give them a more rounded belly; this development may cause significant anxiety for these girls. when the breasts start to develop, prefiguring the arrival of puberty one and a half to three years pass before the first menstrual periods.

  • Track 25-1Breast development
  • Track 25-2Pubic hair development
  • Track 25-3Menstrual periods
  • Track 25-4Develops the ability to think abstractly
  • Track 25-5Wants independence from parents
  • Track 25-6Changes body shape

Adolescent Aids: Adolescents living with HIV largely belong to two distinct groups—those who acquired HIV in infant and are heavily antiretroviral therapy (ART)-experienced, and those who acquired HIV more recently during their teenage. Following are types of aids:

  • HIV-1
    • Group M
    • Group N
    • Group O
    • Group P
  • HIV-2
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatments
    • Pregnancy



The reasons behind a teen's suicide or attempted suicide can be complex. Although suicide is relatively rare among children, the rate of suicides and suicide attempts increases greatly during adolescence. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds. It's also thought that at least 25 attempts are made for every completed teen suicide. Mental Illness as a Cause of Teen Suicide. Situations often drive the emotional causes of suicide. Bullying, cyberbullying, abuse, a detrimental home life, loss of a loved one or even a severe breakup can by contributing causes of teen suicide. Often, many of these ecological factors occur together to reason suicidal feelings and behaviours.


The mind and body are closely connected, and stress can affect the body from head to toe. And in fact, the survey found teens experience both emotional and physical symptoms of stress. Common symptoms include feeling nervous or anxious, feeling tired, procrastinating or neglecting everyday jobs, feeling overcome, having adverse thoughts and experiencing changes in sleeping habits. Problems with concentrating and changes in eating habits (eating too much or too little) are also linked to stress. Physical activity is one of the most effective stress busters.